• 시그니처
  • Alami secara langsung hasil menakjubkan dari benang Epiticon yang dikembangkan sendiri oleh Dokter Kepala Dr. Jung Young Choon.
    Perjalanan menuju muda Anda dimulai sekarang!
  • Temukan kembali wajah alami
    dan senyum indah Anda!
  • 흰로고
  • Siapa yang akan mendapatkan manfaat dari HERSHE Smile Lifting?
  • Ketika sudut bibir kendur, hal ini tidak hanya membuat seseorang terlihat lebih tua tetapi juga memberikan kesan lelah atau sedih.
    Jika perbaikan yang cukup di sudut bibir tidak tercapai melalui prosedur facelift atau thread lifting, Smile Lifting dapat memberikan peningkatan tambahan di area tersebut.
  • 입꼬리가 아래로 처져 있는 경우
    Mengalami kendur di sudut bibir tetapi hanya mengalami tanda-tanda penuaan ringan yang tidak memerlukan facelift penuh.
  • Ingin memperbaiki garis marionette (garis yang mengarah ke bawah dari sudut bibir).
    Lebih memilih prosedur dengan bekas luka yang lebih sedikit dan periode pemulihan yang lebih singkat dibandingkan dengan operasi dengan sayatan.
  • Selain itu, Smile Lifting dapat bermanfaat bagi mereka yang telah menjalani prosedur pengencangan lain tetapi tidak mencapai pengencangan yang memuaskan di sudut bibir.
    Karena penuaan adalah proses yang berkelanjutan, beberapa individu mungkin mencari manajemen dan perbaikan yang berkesinambungan.
  • 2022.05
  • Kongres Internasional Bedah Minimal Invasif
    Sesi Kuliah seiring penerbitan Springer textbook
  • 2022.03
  • JETEMA Webinar
    Materi presentasi: Pengencangan Bokong (Butt lift)
  • 2021.05
  • Tesis pada Topik: Reposisi Jaringan Lunak Gluteal dengan Menggunakan Benang Polydioxanone
  • 2020.11
  • Kongres para Dokter Spesialis Bedah Plastik Korea
    Presentasi Un-Tact
  • 2020.10
  • 최소침습성형연구회
    웹심포지움 참여
  • 2019.11
  • KRPS 학회 에피티콘
    실리프팅 발표
허쉬성형외과 맥스리프팅
  • 허쉬성형외과 맥스리프팅
  • 허쉬성형외과 맥스리프팅
  • 허쉬성형외과 맥스리프팅
  • 허쉬성형외과 맥스리프팅
  • 허쉬성형외과 맥스리프팅
  • 허쉬성형외과 맥스리프팅
  • 허쉬성형외과 맥스리프팅
  • 허쉬성형외과 맥스리프팅
  • Professional
  • Alasan kami percaya diri di bidang anti penuaan
  • Sejak tahun 1992
    Untuk mendapatkan hasil operasi yang memuaskan, HERSHE tidak pernah berhenti untuk meneliti mengenai anti penuaan.
    Kami akan menganalisis gaya hidup dan tingkat penuaan anda serta memberikan solusi yang paling optimal.
  • Apa yang
    Dr. Jung Young Choon
    katakan tentang Operasi Lifting?
  • Personalized
  • Anti-Penuaan yang Disesuaikan untuk Anda!
  • Gejala penuaan tampak berbeda pada setiap orang.
    Oleh karena itu, perencanaan yang detail diperlukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan penuaan individu.
    HERSHE Plastic Surgery Korea menawarkan solusi anti-penuaan yang komprehensif mulai dari prosedur bedah hingga prosedur non-bedah yang direkomendasikan oleh para ahli anti-penuaan.
    Berdasarkan pengalaman klinis yang luas dan penelitian yang berkelanjutan oleh para ahli medis kami, HERSHE berkomitmen untuk memberikan solusi anti-penuaan yang dipersonalisasi sesuai dengan tahap penuaan masing-masing individu.
  • Spesialis dalam Bedah Plastik Memiliki pengetahuan dalam pengembangan perusahaan medis Menyediakan solusi lifting yang disesuaikan berdasarkan karakteristik individu
  • 허쉬성형외과
  • Q.Do you use Epiticon® threads?

  • A.Yes, we do. Epiticon® threads are patented threads developed by our representative director, Dr. Jung Young Choon. These threads are dissolvable yet provide strength, tensile force, and fixation suitable for lifting in heavy tissue areas.
    With just a small number of threads, they can achieve tissue lifting effects on the entire face.

  • Q.What areas are treated with the lifting procedure?

  • A.We target skin sagging and wrinkles across the entire face.
    Epiticon® threads can be used to fixate on firm tissues like the temporal fascia or move tissues from sagging areas to areas with insufficient volume due to the multi-unit structure of the threads.
    Therefore, we can provide individualized lifting treatment to improve various sagging and wrinkle conditions throughout the face.

  • Q.How long does it take to see the effects of the lifting?

  • A.The lifting procedure is conducted along the contours of each area, allowing us to freely adjust the position of facial tissues.
    Therefore, we can improve most of the sagging tissues and wrinkles. However, since aging symptoms have complex causes, additional procedures such as autologous fat grafting or facial liposuction may be more effective in combination to enhance overall anti-aging effects.

  • Q.How many threads are used during the procedure?

  • A.The number of threads is determined based on the diagnosis. For an entire face lifting, we generally use more than 20 to 30 threads.
    However, using more threads doesn't necessarily mean better results. Too many threads may cause pain and discomfort. Thus, at HERSHE, we use the Epiticon® threads with a multi-unit structure that is advantageous for pulling and fixing, aiming for an efficient lifting procedure.

  • Q.How long do the results last?

  • A.Epiticon® lifting has both semi-permanent and dissolvable characteristics. The dissolvable threads usually dissolve within 1 to 1.5 years.
    The longevity of the effect can be extended through proper self-care after the procedure. Additionally, combining the lifting procedure with other anti-aging treatments such as autologous fat grafting or facial liposuction can help maintain the anti-aging effects for a longer period.

  • Q.Will there be noticeable scars?

  • A.The procedure involves minimal incisions, and the insertion points for the threads may leave needle marks on the treated areas. These marks will fade over time and become less noticeable. However, if scarring remains a concern, laser treatment or other scar management programs can be helpful.

  • Q.What precautions should be taken after the surgery?

  • A.After the surgery, there may be bleeding or hematoma formation with minor impacts within 1 to 3 days. Applying light pressure with clean gauze or tissue for about 3 minutes can stop the bleeding.
    It's essential to avoid getting water on the surgical site and refrain from chewing hard and tough food or opening the mouth widely until fully recovered.
    Avoiding positions where the head is bent forward for an extended period and sleeping with the head elevated above the heart for at least 3 to 5 days is advised. Alcohol and smoking should be avoided for about a month after the surgery.

  • Konsultasi Harga Pilih Konsultasi Ideal Anda
  • Bedah Plastik Dermatology
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