• 시그니처
  • Mini Kontur Lift
  • Sejak tahun 1992, HERSHE berkomitmen dalam penelitian untuk kecantikan Anda
  • 턱살 빼고
  • 엑스
  • 턱선 당기고
  • 흰로고
  • Siapa yang membutuhkan Mini Kontur Lifting?
  • Prosedur ini direkomendasikan untuk individual yang ingin mengurangi lemak di sekitar rahang atau dibawah dagu (double chin), memancarkan garis kontur wajah yang sebelumnya tidak terlihat sembari mengurangi kerutan dan kulit kendur dengan mengencangkan kulit menggunakan benang.
    HERSHE melakukan prosedur ini menggunakan benang spesial Epiticon® yang memiliki kekuatan kuat untuk menopang kulit.
  • 미니윤곽
    Memiliki lemak berlebih pada pipi
    Jika Anda memiliki lemak yang berlebih pada pipi, wajah dapat terlihat lebih besar dan kerutan di sekitar mulut dapat membentuk lipatan nasolabial atau kerutan marionette
  • 미니윤곽
    Garis rahang yang tidak terlihat
    Jika garis antara dagu dan leher tidak terlihat jelas, leher dapat terlihat pendek dan wajah dapat terlihat lebih panjang.
  • 미니윤곽
    Lemak bawah dagu (Double Chin)
    Jika ada lemak berlebih di bawah dagu, dapat membuat wajah terlihat lebih besar. Namun, hal ini akan sulit dihilangkan melalui diet atau olahraga.
  • 2022.05
  • Kongres Internasional Bedah Minimal Invasif
    Sesi Kuliah seiring penerbitan Springer textbook
  • 2022.03
  • JETEMA Webinar
    Materi presentasi: Pengencangan Bokong (Butt lift)
  • 2021.05
  • Tesis pada Topik: Reposisi Jaringan Lunak Gluteal dengan Menggunakan Benang Polydioxanone
  • 2020.11
  • Kongres para Dokter Spesialis Bedah Plastik Korea
    Presentasi Un-Tact
  • 2020.10
  • 최소침습성형연구회
    웹심포지움 참여
  • 2019.11
  • KRPS 학회 에피티콘
    실리프팅 발표
함께 하면 좋은 시술
  • CASE01
  • 전후사진


  • 전후사진


  • 전후사진


  • CASE02
  • 전후사진


  • 전후사진


  • 전후사진


허쉬성형외과 맥스리프팅
  • 허쉬성형외과 맥스리프팅
  • 허쉬성형외과 맥스리프팅
  • 허쉬성형외과 맥스리프팅
  • 허쉬성형외과 맥스리프팅
  • 허쉬성형외과 맥스리프팅
  • 허쉬성형외과 맥스리프팅
  • 허쉬성형외과 맥스리프팅
  • 허쉬성형외과 맥스리프팅
  • Professional
  • Alasan kami percaya diri di bidang anti penuaan
  • Sejak tahun 1992
    Untuk mendapatkan hasil operasi yang memuaskan, HERSHE tidak pernah berhenti untuk meneliti mengenai anti penuaan.
    Kami akan menganalisis gaya hidup dan tingkat penuaan anda serta memberikan solusi yang paling optimal.
  • Personalized
  • Anti-Penuaan yang Disesuaikan untuk Anda!
  • Gejala penuaan tampak berbeda pada setiap orang.
    Oleh karena itu, perencanaan yang detail diperlukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan penuaan individu.
    HERSHE Plastic Surgery Korea menawarkan solusi anti-penuaan yang komprehensif mulai dari prosedur bedah hingga prosedur non-bedah yang direkomendasikan oleh para ahli anti-penuaan.
    Berdasarkan pengalaman klinis yang luas dan penelitian yang berkelanjutan oleh para ahli medis kami, HERSHE berkomitmen untuk memberikan solusi anti-penuaan yang dipersonalisasi sesuai dengan tahap penuaan masing-masing individu.
  • Spesialis dalam Bedah Plastik Memiliki pengetahuan dalam pengembangan perusahaan medis Menyediakan solusi lifting yang disesuaikan berdasarkan karakteristik individu
  • 허쉬성형외과
  • Apa yang
    Dr. Jung Young Choon
    katakan tentang Operasi Lifting?
  • Q.Is thread lifting performed together with facial liposuction?

  • A.Yes, that's correct.
    thread Lift and facial liposuction are often performed together as the combined procedure shows greater improvement in facial contours and lifting effect of sagging tissues compared to individual procedures.
    It also offers longer-lasting results.

  • Q.Which areas are targeted in the procedure?

  • A.Mini contour lift is a procedure that is recommended for those who want to undergo thread Lift and facial liposuction together.
    It is designed to focus on correcting specific areas, such as sagging jawline, double chin, and sagging cheeks, rather than severe aging signs. If the sagging area is extensive or severe, additional thread Lift or facial liposuction in other areas may be considered.

  • Q.How long does it take to see the lifting effect?

  • A.When there is a significant amount of facial fat in the treated areas, the lifted facial tissues can be anchored more effectively, and the results tend to last longer.
    On the other hand, if facial liposuction is performed alone, the skin may lose its elasticity more easily after fat removal. Therefore, thread Lift and facial liposuction are often recommended together to achieve optimal lifting effects and contour improvement.

  • Q.How many threads are used in the procedure?

  • A.We use Epiticon® threads, a patented development by Dr. Jung Young Choon, the founder of our clinic.
    These threads are melting threads that have the ideal strength, tensile strength, and anchoring capability for lifting heavier tissues. Generally, around 10 threads are used per area for thread lift and even fewer threads may be used for the Mini Contour Lift procedure, which is designed to concentrate on specific localized areas in combination with facial liposuction.

  • Q.What is the duration of the results?

  • A.The results of facial liposuction are considered permanent as the removed facial fat does not return.
    However, the thread lift procedure involves anchoring the lifted facial tissues, and the longevity can vary depending on individual tissue adhesion.
    If thread Lift is performed without facial liposuction, there is a risk that the threads may detach or the cogs may dissolve before sufficient tissue adhesion occurs, resulting in reduced lifting effects.
    The material of the threads also affects the longevity of the results.
    Epiticon® threads are designed with a unique structure to minimize the risk of cog dissolution or breakage, and their longevity is optimized for effective and long-lasting lifting results.

  • Q.Will there be significant scarring?

  • A.The procedure is performed with minimal incisions using a cannula, so the scars are not significant.
    The resulting marks are slightly larger than needle marks and fade over time, becoming less noticeable. If there are concerns about the scarring, personalized scar management programs, such as laser treatments, can be helpful in reducing the appearance of scars over time.

  • Q.What are the precautions after surgery?

  • A.After the surgery, there may be minor bleeding or hematoma formation from even small impacts between 1 to 3 days post-surgery.
    Don't be worried, you can gently apply clean gauze or tissue to the affected area for about 3 minutes to stop the bleeding. Be cautious not to let water get into the surgical area, and avoid chewing on hard or tough foods. It's best to refrain from opening your mouth too wide until you have fully recovered.
    Also, avoid bending your head forward for an extended period, and for at least 3 to 5 days, try to sleep with your head elevated higher than your heart.
    Furthermore, it's recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking for about a month after the surgery.

  • HER
  • “Kebahagiaan pasien adalah prioritas kami!”
  • Since 1992
허쉬성형외과 안면거상술
  • Konsultasi Harga Pilih Konsultasi Ideal Anda
  • Bedah Plastik Dermatology
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